每次写vue.js组件时候,总是去之前页面复制粘贴个模板,然后再删掉没用的,继续进行开发,感觉有点low,那有没有一个比较好用的插件,能让你输入几个字母高效准确就出现你想要的代码块呢?答案是肯定的,Vue VSCode snippets - 一款加速你开发的体验插件
Vue VSCode snippets的插件怎么安装就不多提了,在插件库直接搜点安装就行了,下面记录下语法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | vbase Single file component base vdata Component data as a function vmethod Vue method vcomputed Vue computed property vwatcher Vue watcher with new and old value args vprops Props with type and default vimport Import one component into another vimport-c Import one component into another within the export statement vimport-export Import one component into another and use it within the export statement vfilter Vue filter vmixin Create a Vue Mixin vmixin-use Bring a mixin into a component to use vc-direct Vue create a custom directive vimport-lib Import a library vimport-gsap Import GreenSock with Timeline and Eases vanimhook-js Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | vfor v-for directive vmodel Semantic v-model directive vmodel-num Semantic v-model number directive von v-on click handler with arguments vel-props Component element with props vsrc Image src binding vstyle Inline style binding vstyle-obj Inline style binding with objects vclass Class binding vclass-obj Class binding with objects vclass-obj-mult Multiple conditional class bindings vanim Transition component with JS hooks |
1 2 3 4 5 | vstore Base for Vuex store.js vgetters Vuex Getter vmutation Vuex Mutation vaction Vuex Action vstore-import Import vuex store into main.js |
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下一篇:Vue Router中hash和history模式区别
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